1. As per MoA signed between ECL & Govt of Jharkhand, 50% of total seats will be filled by the State Govt. and the candidates will be selected through ITI admission portal of Jharkhand Govt. They will be charged only such fee as prescribed under CSR guidelines or as per the decision of authority from time to time.
2. The remaining 50% seats to be filled by ECL under Management quota. ECL however, may give preference in admission to the eligible youth of the locally displaced families affected by the Mining or Industrial Project set by them.
• Age: The age of the candidates should be at least 14 years. There is no upper age limit specified for the candidates.
• Qualification: Depending on the trade, academic qualifications range from VIII pass to XII pass from any recognized board.
• Nationality: Candidates should belong to the Indian Citizenship and they should permanent residents of Jharkhand. Those women candidate’s husband will be resident of Jharkhand and working in Jharkhand, she can apply based on her husband’s domicile certificate.
Note: – Admission form & Brochure will be available on download section.
(Download admission form and submit it in the Institute)